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group pd3

Exposes relevant hooks to libpd3 through pybind11, and allows for the construction, manipulation, and execution of pd3 studies.

In addition exposes a variable constants. This provides a lookup into the pd3.proto.config used to build libpd3. For example, to access shear modulus one may do pd3.constant.MU. For full reference of constants see Config.

The following primitive types are type aliased for ease of use.

Name Type Description
Result Tuple[bool, str] Contains whether a function was a success and a corresponding message.
Node int The ID associated with a Node in the system.
Miller Tuple[int, int, int] Integer tuple of lattice points.
Burgers Tuple[int, int, int] Intger tuple of points lattice points divided by . Please submit PR for extended capibility.
Series study_pb2.Series Protobuf class Series
Config config_pb2.Config Protobuf class Config


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