

marimo supports several popular plotting libraries, including matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, and altair.

This tutorial gives examples using matplotlib; other libraries are used similarly. ## Matplotlib To show a plot, include it in the last expression of a cell (just like any other output).

# create the plot in the last line of the cell
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot([1, 2])
# create a plot
plt.plot([1, 2])
# ... do some work ...
# make plt.gca() the last line of the cell
You can use or to display plots in the console area of a cell. Keep in mind that console outputs are not shown in the app view.

A new figure every cell. Every cell starts with an empty figure for the imperative pyplot API.

To build a figure over multiple cells, use the object-oriented API and create your own axis:

Draw plots interactively

Draw plots interactively by parametrizing them with UI elements.

Visualizing powers. ||[f(x) = x||]

Other libraries

marimo also supports these other plotting libraries:

  • Plotly
  • Seaborn
  • Altair

Just output their figure objects as the last expression of a cell, or embed them in markdown with mo.as_html.

If you would like another library to be integrated into marimo, please get in touch.

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